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Which Berkey Base Do I Need To Get?

By Jeff Wise Published: May 18, 2020 Updated: March 21, 2024 2 comments

There are several Berkey water filter accessories for their systems, and one of the most popular is the Berkey Base.

These high-quality bases elevate Berkey systems by 5 inches, making it easier to set a glass beneath the spigot. Many people find that this product offers convenience and ease to their Berkey experience.

Choosing the Right Berkey Base

Which Berkey Base Do I Need?

It will depend on the type of Berkey system you purchase. For the stainless steel systems, there are four sizes to choose from.

  • The small size weighs 1.4 pounds and fits the Travel Berkey system.
  • The medium size weighs 1.5 pounds and fits the Big Berkey system.
  • The large size weighs 1.6 pounds and fits the Royal Berkey system.
  • The extra large size weighs 1.7 pounds and fits the Imperial and Crown Berkey systems.

If you have the Berkey Light system, a separate base fits with it. It weighs 1.65 pounds and includes the option of having LED lights within your base.

This illumination option acts as a perfect nightlight while camping, but it is also a beautiful addition in the home.

More About the Bases

Each base is designed to complement its system. The bases for the stainless steel systems are also made of stainless steel and are wire stands.

They are sturdy and strong, so you don't have to worry about your system falling off.

The Berkey Light base is made of the same non-BPA/BPS co-polyester material as the system, so you can hardly tell the difference between the base and the Berkey Light.

Something to Keep in Mind

Before purchasing a base for your system, remember that the base adds 5 inches to the height of your Berkey.

If space for your system is limited, make sure the extra five inches in height won't be a hindrance.

Final Thoughts on Berkey Water Filter Base

If you are interested in a different solution you can always check out our blog post on 10 Cool Berkey Stand Ideas.

However, if you're considering an accessory for your system to make it more functional, the stainless steel Berkey Base is a great option.

Click here to see the stainless steel bases.

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  • Hi Denise – For two or less people in a household I would recommend the Travel Berkey.

    Jeff on

  • Hi, im confused as to which water system to get. It is very important for me to consume disease free water. In February 2013 I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a bone marrow cancer.

    Denise on

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