Meet The Family Behind BerkeyCleanWater

At the turn of the 20th century, James and Mary Ainsley were among many homesteaders who pioneered from the east to the alluring and grandiose Rocky Mountains of Colorado.
Harsh climates of the Never Summer Range created challenges for the Ainsley’s and their four children, yet the mountains still called to them.
They found peace and solitude in the majestic beauty, as they shared their new home with an abundance of deer, bears, and elk.
Farming and hunting was a necessary way of life.
Rocky Mountain Pure Water

Fresh water from the mountains flowed freely and was more valuable than gold to settlers.
The Ainsley’s enjoyed the newly constructed Grand Ditch, which provided a steady flow of clean drinking water for their children, cattle, and dogs.
Much has changed since the Ainsley family worked and homesteaded in the Colorado Rocky Mountain land more than a century ago.
But much is still the same.
In many ways, I can relate to James and Mary.
Providing the best possible life for your family is no easy task. It requires frequent decision-making, and the willingness to work hard and sacrifice.
Like the Ainsley’s, providing a healthy lifestyle for my family is essential.
And like them, clean, healthy water is as valuable to me as gold.
My Personal Clean Water Story

I was born in Colorado and grew up appreciating the natural beauty around me.
Although I'm not related to the Ainsley family, my family also had a history of organic farming and valuing clean, natural water.
I carried these healthy values with me into adulthood.
Starting My Own Family
When I married my wife in 2005, I wanted to ensure that we would build a healthy life together.
We exercised daily at our local gym, played tennis regularly, cooked healthy meals together, and I began researching quality water filters.

This was when I found Berkey. I soon discovered that unlike most water filters, Berkey systems provide the cleanest, purest water.
When we had kids, we knew we wanted to give them the healthiest life possible.
Our Berkey family of five has now enjoyed delicious Berkey water for more than 15 years. I'm passing healthy values down to the next generation.

Lifestyles and Values Over the Generations
A lot has changed since the Ainsley’s enjoyed their fresh water supply from the Grand Ditch a century ago.
Unfortunately, because of several generations of pollution, pesticides, and the massive amount of chemicals in our environment, no longer can we trust the water source of our nearest river.
But we can trust that Berkey systems transform any water supply into the crisp, clean, and delicious taste experienced by the Ainsley family.
Thanks to Berkey, my family (as well as yours) can enjoy pure, healthy, and tasty water every single day. We relish the taste of natural water just like James and Mary Ainsley did so many years ago. We hope your family will also enjoy the benefits of Berkey water.
Since 2006, Jeff and his Berkey family have enjoyed fresh, pure water with Berkey® water products. Here are the products they have personally used and recommend.

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2441 Q Old Fort Parkway Suite 445
Murfreesboro, TN 37128-4162
Please call my customer service at 1-800-392-3321 and make sure to leave a detailed message about your request.
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Connect With Jeff & Kristy
If you’d like to talk with us about one of my products or programs, an interview, book project or joint venture, you’re welcome to reach me via my email address.
We are Authorized Berkey dealers who only offer Authentic Berkey products.
I look forward to connecting real soon!
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