Berkey Water Filter Blog

5 Healthy Snacks for Picky Eaters
Have you been looking for healthy snacks for picky eaters? Families tend to have at least one picky eater in the house. This can often create a lot of stress for parents ... and kids. It never fails. Whatever I make for meals or snacks, someone complains about it and...

5 Ways to Use Berkey Water While Cooking
Berkey water and cooking go hand in hand. Water is necessary for many recipes and it's best to have Berkey clean water while you cook to avoid harmful contaminants seeping into your food. Whether you're a regular cook or not, there may be ways that you use water while you're cooking...

Easy Slider Recipe - Lettuce Wrap Mini Burgers
Need a quick and healthy meal? How does an easy slider recipe sound! We have several nights a week when we just need a simple meal that doesn't take too long to make. We try not to eat out too much, especially fast food. Yes, it's convenient when you're on...