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The Best Toxin-Free Cleaning Products

By Jeff Wise Published: August 22, 2023 Updated: March 20, 2024

Most of us understand that toxins surround us daily, and for that reason, it's important to find the best toxin-free cleaning products.

We're exposed to toxins in our air, water, food, and the products we use every day like cookware.

Sometimes it feels impossible to avoid them. By committing to toxin-free cleaning, though, we can eliminate a lot.

The Best Toxin-Free Cleaning Products

One Harmful Toxin - Phthalates

There are many harmful toxins in our environment. Let's talk about one: phthalates.

Phthalates are chemicals used to make soft plastic and they are found in hundreds of products. These include soaps, shampoos, vinyl flooring, medical tubing, etc.

Phthalates do a great job of retaining color, flavor, and scent.

You can be sure they're most likely in the name-brand cleaning supplies at your local store.

On the negative side, Phthalates contribute to long-term health problems. There's even a syndrome named after them.

These endocrine-disrupting chemicals are linked to ADHD, asthma, cancer, obesity, and low sperm count.

They flush out of the system quickly, but because we consume them constantly, almost everyone has disturbing levels of phthalates in their system.

Phthalates are just one toxin found in many cleaning supplies.

Avoiding Toxins with Proper Cleaning Products

One way to avoid phthalates, as well as other chemicals, is to purchase healthy toxin-free cleaning products.

Thankfully, we know of several great options!

Whether you're looking for surface cleaner, cleaning wipes, dish soap, etc., there are better toxin-free cleaners that won't harm your family.

Cleaning Products We Recommend

There are several great cleaning products or companies that we recommend.

One of these is MamaSuds. These are cleaning products made by moms with little ones in mind. It includes bathroom, kitchen, and laundry cleaning supplies.

MamaSuds has just about anything you would need for cleaning and people really love their toxin-free cleaners.

Another popular brand in the healthy living world is Branch Basics.

This company really has a desire to educate people on clean living.

They even have a course with videos, resources, and webinars to teach you more.

Of course, they also have a lot of cleaning supplies and different kits for purchase. Many consumers of Branch Basics love their products!

More Specific Toxin-Free Cleaning Products

If you're looking for specific chemical-free household products, here are some we recommend.

Toxin Free Surface Cleaner

For a non-toxic surface cleaner, check out Force of Nature Multi-Purpose cleaner.

They have a 4.7 star rating out of 5 and you can purchase a year's supply, so you won't have to keep making monthly purchases.

Non Toxic Glass Cleaner

If you're looking for a non-toxic glass cleaner, Aunt Fannie's is a great option.

This cleaner not only cleans glass, but also chrome and stainless steel (which is perfect for Berkey owners!).

We personally like to use cleaning wipes. They're ideal for small messes or to wipe door handles and light switches.

Non Toxic Cleaning Wipes

For non-toxic cleaning wipes, Aunt Fannie's also has a healthier option.

One reviewer said, "These wipes are so great... One wipe stretches a long way." That's good, because, as a consumer, I always worry that the healthier wipes will be too dry.

Non Toxic Dish Soap

In the kitchen, a wonderful non-toxic dish soap to use is Better Life Natural Dish Soap.

It comes in three different scents: Lemon Mint, Pomegranate, and Unscented.

Best Non Toxic All Purpose Cleaner

Finally, for the bathroom we recommend Vermont Castile Liquid Soap, which can be used as a shampoo, body wash, and soap.

This highly-rated soap comes in a 64 fl. oz. bottle with several scent options.

Learning More about Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

As someone who loves health and researching the healthiest options, I like to encourage others to do the same.

There is a plethora of information out there on this subject, so it’s hard to know what can be trusted.

To further your investigation into this subject, here are a couple of Web sites we recommend.

The Environmental Working Group site is a great resource for finding breakthrough research on areas affecting the environment.

This team of specialists is constantly releasing new articles and information to help consumers make the healthiest choices when it comes to the environment and their surroundings.

Non-Toxic Swaps is a Web site that helps you find healthier products.

It has products categorized into groups (e.g. makeup, shampoos, soaps, etc.) and lists toxin-free brands to choose from.

Committing to Toxin-Free Cleaners is Worth It

Finding healthy toxin-free cleaning products is necessary to make the air in your home safer to breathe.

It's nearly impossible to remove all toxins in our lives, but we can take steps to minimize a large amount.

The air in our homes is what we breathe regularly. We should do what we can to ensure our air is toxin-free.

Hopefully, these recommended toxin-free cleaning products will help you have a healthier home for your family.

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