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Seed Oils to Avoid and Why

By Jeff Wise Published: November 21, 2023 Updated: February 19, 2025

Ever wonder about those sneaky seed oils to avoid?

Seed oils are a popular cooking companion, but there are reasons to suggest that we should avoid them.

The more we study, the more we learn about the health benefits and harms connected to the foods we consume.

We've heard that seed oils, like canola, soybean, corn, and cottonseed, are healthy options because they come from natural sources and have less saturated fat. Is that true, though?

Seed Oils To Avoid and Why

The Truth Behind Seed Oils

The truth is, seed oils are not as healthy as we once thought.

The process of making seed oils strips them of all of their potential nutrients.

There are many steps to this process, including lengthy bleaching and deodorizing.

Seed oils also contain high amounts of Linoleic Acid, which makes an oil unstable and more likely to oxidize.

In comparison, sunflower oil contains about 70% Linoleic Acid, while olive oil (a healthier choice) contains 27% or less.

The higher the level of Linoleic Acid, the more you should avoid it.

Linoleic Acid isn't entirely bad, but when it's consumed in high amounts (which is normal in the typical American diet) it can cause long-term negative effects.

The average American consumes 5-10 tablespoons of seed oil every day.

Why is Oxidation from Seed Oils a Concern?

Oxidation of seed oils causes the oil to quickly become rancid.

But because it's been deodorized at such high levels, you aren't aware of the rancidity.

This oxidation also leads to inflammation in the body.

The high amounts of Omega-6 also contribute to inflammation.

Other Side Effects of Consuming Seed Oils

Seed oils have been linked to many different health problems.

Some of these include weight gain, immunosuppression, lower fertility rates, cellular damage, memory loss, and migraines.

It's easy to avoid these potential side effects by just avoiding seed oils as much as you can.

The best way to do that is to change what you use at home and not eat out all of the time.

Most restaurants are going to use canola, palm, or another seed oil for their cooking.

That doesn't mean you should never eat out, but if you do on a regular basis, you are most likely consuming more seed oils than you should.

List of Seed Oils to Avoid

Try to limit the consumption of these oils from your diet:

  • Canola oil
  • Corn oil
  • Soy oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Palm oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Vegetable oil
  • Vegetable shortening
  • Margarine
  • Cooking sprays with propellants

The most commonly used vegetable oil in the world is Palm Oil. But all of these can lead to health problems that are easily avoidable.

Avoid these seed oils and your body will thank you.

Healthy Alternatives to Use at Home

There are several healthier oil alternatives that you should use when you're cooking.

One of our favorites is Unrefined organic Virgin Coconut Oil.

Some people may be turned off by this if they don’t like coconut. To be honest, I’m not a coconut fan, but I can’t taste the flavor of coconut at all in this oil.

We also often use healthy, grass-fed butter while cooking. It gives great flavor to certain foods, like vegetables, fish, and steak.

Finally, our third oil choice is Extra Virgin Cold-Pressed Olive Oil. This is mostly what we use for recipes, as opposed to just for lubricating a pan.

And while we don't commonly use other oils, there are several other healthy options.

They include Avocado Oil, Hempseed Oil, Sesame Oil, Walnut Oil, and Ghee.

It's best to choose organic oils when you can. But that doesn't mean organic seed oils are okay. They should still be avoided.

Avoid Seed Oils for Your Long-Term Health

Simple changes to your diet, like the use of healthy oils, can benefit your health in the long term.

Find a healthy oil option that your family likes and stick with it. Or, try several options like we do.

Your body and your family's health will be grateful that you made the switch.

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