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How to Use Essential Oils for Cleaning

By Jeff Wise Published: October 10, 2023 Updated: March 20, 2024

Have you been wondering how to use essential oils for cleaning so you can help freshen up your space while also harnessing the power of nature?

Cleaning is an unavoidable part of life.

Whether or not you are the one doing the actual cleaning in your home, you and everyone you live with are affected by the cleanliness of your living environment.

Home cleanliness is essential for good health. Excessive growth of bacteria, mold, mildew, etc. can create health issues for everyone in your home.

On the other hand, toxic cleaning products can also lead to health damage.

Many of us are conditioned to believe that a clean house has a certain smell, and usually that smell is from a toxic cleaning product.

For example, we spray chemical-filled, lemon-scented furniture spray and believe that our house is “clean” thanks to it.

What you're doing, though, is exchanging one harmful element for another.

Our family has written about the best toxin-free cleaning products but let's delve more into essential oils.

How To Use Essential Oils For Cleaning

Turning to Essential Oils for Cleaning

In recent years, more and more families are turning to essential oils for multiple purposes.

We're not essential oil experts and won't pretend to be, but we personally know many families who live by them.

They use essential oils for different ailments and illnesses. And they use them for cleaning too.

We've used essential oils several times for allergies or while struggling with colds.

We do recommend them to anyone who may have doubts.

Which Essential Oils are the Best for Cleaning?

If you have essential oils or want to find the best ones for cleaning, here are just five that are recommended.

Lemon Oil: Not only does Lemon Oil provide a great scent without harmful toxins, but it is also antiviral and antibacterial.

Therefore, it's ideal for disinfecting. In addition, it also gives a shine to furniture and floors.

Lavender Oil: Another great cleaning scent, Lavender Oil is also anti-odor and antibacterial. It creates a calming effect and is great for cleaning linens.

Tea Tree Oil a.k.a. Melaleuca Oil: This oil is perfect for disinfecting! It kills germs, bugs, bacteria, and viruses. It's great for cleaning bathrooms and kitchens.

Eucalyptus Oil: This essential oil is a favorite for oil enthusiasts. When used in the home, it helps with seasonal allergies and fighting mold and mildew.

Thyme Oil: An ideal oil for cleaning kitchen utensils and cutting boards is Thyme Oil. This oil effectively fights food-borne pathogens, such as salmonella. Its scent is also calming.

While there are many other recommended essential oils for cleaning, these five are a great starting point.

Essential Oil Cleaning Recipes

On the Internet, you can find an abundance of recipes for cleaning with essential oils. We'll share a few with you here.

One of these HGTV recipes includes vodka and water as a base for a disinfectant cleaner.

The essential oils added are Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Wild Orange, and Lavender.

The Prairie Homestead provides an all-purpose cleaner recipe that includes white vinegar, water, natural dish soap, Lemon Oil, and Melaleuca Oil.

It can be used for cleaning cabinets, counters, sinks, etc.

A glass cleaner recipe is shared on The House and Homestead website and it includes distilled water, vodka, white vinegar, Peppermint Oil, and Melaleuca Oil.

There are several great recipes shared on the Loving Essential Oils site, including the Pine Floor Cleaner. This cleaner recipe calls for water, castille soap, White Fir Oil, and Lemon Oil.

I could spend all day looking for essential oil cleaning recipes! It's very easy to start using essential oils to clean your home.

Finding the Best Essential Oils

When you're looking for good essential oils, it's easy to get confused.

We're not going to promote any particular brands, but as with anything, not all brands are equally good.

Be sure to do your research to find a good quality essential oil brand.

If you're like us, you probably personally know several essential oil representatives who would be happy to tell you more about the oils they help sell.

Choose good quality oils that will actually work and won't be harmful to inhale or ingest.

The purpose is to make your home environment less harmful.

The one person we have found to be the most trustworthy in helping families with essential oils is Rigel Smith. (The Blissed Mama)

She hands down puts out the best and most helpful essential oil videos and we've found her to have the most expertise.

Cleaning With Essential Oils

We'd love to hear if you have experience with cleaning with essential oils.

What has worked for you? What hasn't? Do you have any recipes you love or would encourage others to avoid?

We will admit that we haven't really tried cleaning with essential oils yet but we really want to.

But, we have used them for other purposes and we've been very happy with the results.

For all the praise and criticism alike for these oils, we do believe they are beneficial for many people and in many ways.

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