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Easy RV Recipe: Rosmary Lemon Salmon & Zucchini

By Jeff Wise Published: April 19, 2023 Updated: March 20, 2024

Traveling doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your health so check out this easy RV recipe.

There are many ways to eat healthy on the road. The most cost-effective way is to cook your own meals.

If you're traveling in an RV or even just camping, here’s a simple (and healthy) meal to try. It’s also quick!

All you need is a stovetop. Two burners is preferable, but if only one is an option, that'll work too.

If your camper or RV doesn’t have a stovetop (maybe you're sleeping in a tent), another option is a portable double burner. These can be pretty reasonably priced, but there are also better-quality burners for a higher cost.

Easy RV Recipe Salmon

Ingredients For This Easy RV Recipe

In addition to the double burner and one or two small pans, here's what you need for this recipe:

  • Butter or Coconut Oil
  • Salt
  • Rosemary
  • Lemon
  • Salmon fillets (enough for your family)
  • 2-3 Zucchinis
  • Thyme

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Melt butter or coconut oil onto pan(s)
  2. Slice Zucchinis
  3. Once the butter/coconut oil is melted and hot, add zucchini to one pan and salmon fillets to another (if necessary, combine both in the same pan).
  4. Salt and squeeze ¼ lemon juice onto fillets. Sprinkle rosemary on fillets too.
  5. Sprinkle salt and thyme on zucchini as it cooks (if you want to add other herbs, like oregano or rosemary, these are also tasty). Stir occasionally until cooked.
  6. After 6 minutes, flip the salmon fillets. Add salt, rosemary, and ¼ lemon juice.
  7. Cook for 6 more minutes.
  8. If you like your salmon a little more grilled, flip again for 2 more minutes.
  9. At this point, both should be ready to eat!

Try This Easy RV Meal

We hope you enjoy this delicious, healthy, easy meal! Adding white rice as a side is another great option too.

Just because you're on the road, meals don't have to be fattening or expensive.

It's possible to eat and drink healthy while you travel. Add this recipe to your meal plan for the next trip you take.

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