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Drinking Clean Water Despite A Flood

By Jeff Wise Published: March 10, 2020 Updated: March 19, 2024

Drinking Clean WaterEvery wonder about drinking clean water despite a flood?

There are several things you don't want to do if your area is hit with a flood. Do not walk or swim in flood waters.

Do not drive in or near flood waters and be watchful for power lines which may have fallen into nearby water.

Most of all, don’t drink flood water but instead find clean water.

Queensland Health Public Health Medical Officer Dr. Margaret Young says floods may increase the risk of diseases such as leptospirosis, melioidosis, dengue fever and diarrhoeal diseases.

She also says, "There is an increased risk of wound infections, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, and ear, nose and throat infections if people come into direct contact with polluted waters.”

The biggest risk is water contamination with the supply of clean water limited in many areas.

Most of the advice from officials is to boil your water before you drink it. What if you have no electricity or way of making a fire?

In this case, you need something else like a gravity water filter which can provide gallons of clean water.

These types of filters don’t require electricity or plumbing in order to work. You can also take them anywhere as they are portable.

The last thing you want is to have to evacuate your home with no way of producing clean water.

Do you really want to stand in line for hours to get one bottle of water? I don't think so.

What about sediment and dirt?

There are some quality filters available that will take care of that too.

There was a time when our grandparents were very self reliant. I’m sure you’ve heard their stories.

It's time for us to become more like them and be prepared for any situation, whether it’s a natural disaster or other situation when clean water becomes very important.

Invest today in one of the many different kinds of Berkey water filters.

You won't be disappointed.

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