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Do Brita Filters Remove Fluoride?

By Jeff Wise Published: April 02, 2020 Updated: May 07, 2024

Do Brita Filters Remove Fluoride?

Do Brita filters remove fluoride? That is a curious question because they sell a lot of their pitcher and sink filters and they can be had for very cheap at your local store.

I've done the research and I'll answer that question but don't you want to know what else they filter ... or don't filter?

I sure did and that's why I took a look. I owned a Brita for a few years in the early 2000s but this was before I became educated as to what was in my tap water.

I bet you're curious about that too.

Do Brita Filters Remove Fluoride, Yes Or No!?

No they do not! I personally looked at their "performance data sheet" and they absolutely don't filter fluoride or arsenic.

What a shame, right? I'm really glad that they say their filters "turn ordinary water into healthier, great-tasting drinking water."

It may be a touch healthier than tap water but I wouldn't call Brita water "healthy" because it's not.

Here's what they do filter: copper, mercury, cadmium, chlorine and zinc. That's it!

You can read our full comparison in this blog post here.

They filter those items but not all the way. They only filter mercury at a minimum of 91%.

Notice that I didn't list lead?

It's because according to their list they don't filter lead.

You may be thinking that this type of filter is better than nothing, right? I would say no.

You might only spend $10 for a pitcher and $20 every three months for filters but that can actually add up.

Guess what though? If any pesticides, heavy metals, PFOA or rust get into the water then you'll be like every other Joe and Sally.

You'll be boiling your water and your money will have been wasted. In fact, their website says their filters aim to, "ensure a healthy level of fluoride".

Oh boy. No thanks! There is no healthy level of fluoride for ingestion! 

Poison Water Pitcher

Why Should We Care About Fluoride?

Before fluoride was utilized by dentists to fight tooth decay, it was used as an insecticide and rat poison.

A pollutant, fluoride is a by-product of iron, copper and aluminum manufacturing. Swallowing fluoride has nothing to do with keeping your teeth healthy.

Tests have linked fluoride consumption to damage of the brain, thyroid gland, bones and kidneys.

Learn more about fluoride in my article "How To Remove Fluoride From Water."

I know your initial question was "do Brita filters remove fluoride?" but I had to expand on that for you to provide the best possible answer.

In the end, Brita not only doesn't remove or reduce fluoride or much else but they speak glowingly about the toxic substance.

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