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Avoiding Heavy Metals in Tap Water While Traveling

By Jeff Wise Published: June 26, 2023 Updated: March 18, 2024

When you're planning a family trip, do you ever think ahead about heavy metals in tap water? Probably not!

You've got enough to worry about with packing, making reservations, etc. Who has time to think about heavy metals?

Even though it's not at the top of your to-do list when preparing for a trip, thinking about heavy metals and other contaminants is an important consideration.

It can also depend on where you're going for your vacation.

Avoiding Heavy Metals in Tap Water While Traveling

Where Are Heavy Metals in Tap Water Found?

Heavy metals, such as Zinc, Chromium, and Copper, are commonly found in urban areas.

They leak into the soil and water from power plants, mining sources, industrialized facilities, and sewage waste junkyards.

For this reason, you have a good chance of heavy metals exposure in cities.

If you're planning to visit a major U.S. city, like Chicago, New York City, or Houston, you're more likely to be exposed to these heavy metals in tap water.

Are Heavy Metals in Tap Water in Other Areas?

You may be thinking, "I prefer to travel away from the cities, so I have nothing to worry about." I wish that were true.

Unfortunately, rural areas also suffer from heavy metal exposure in tap water, even if it's not as much as urban cities.

A study in China compared heavy metals in an urban river versus a rural river.

While coal burning and industrial production negatively affected the urban river in the study, the rural river was impacted largely by agricultural heavy metals.

Both had high levels of Zinc and Chromium, but the rural river had more lead, while the urban river had more copper.

You may be headed to the country for a trip, but heavy metal exposure is still a possibility.

It's wise to take precautions no matter where you go. You may be thinking, "I prefer to travel away from the cities, so I have nothing to worry about." I wish that were true.

Unfortunately, rural areas also suffer from heavy metal exposure in tap water, even if it's not as much as urban cities.

A study in China compared heavy metals in an urban river versus a rural river.

While coal burning and industrial production negatively affected the urban river in the study, the rural river was impacted largely by agricultural heavy metals.

Both had high levels of Zinc and Chromium, but the rural river had more lead, while the urban river had more copper.

You may be headed to the country for a trip, but heavy metal exposure is still a possibility. It's wise to take precautions no matter where you go.

Why is it Important to Avoid Heavy Metals?

We write often about heavy metals and the harmful effects they cause on human health.

We face heavy metal contamination from many sources.

In addition to the sources already listed, we can become exposed to heavy metals through food, pesticides, gasoline pollution, soaps, cosmetics, dental amalgams, medicines, and more.

Heavy metal exposure has been linked to many illnesses, including:

  • Neurological problems
  • Impaired kidney function
  • Infertility
  • Immune system dysfunction
  • Cancers

Children are at the highest risk for heavy metal exposure.

Tap water isn't the only culprit, but heavy metals are also in our air and food.

It's nearly impossible to avoid heavy metals! But it's still important to try if we want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How to Avoid Heavy Metals in Tap Water

We have one great and easy way to avoid consuming heavy metals in tap water; buy a Berkey!

Berkey filters are high quality when it comes to heavy metal removal.

Berkey drastically removes 15 heavy metals found in tap water, including Zinc, Lead, Aluminum, Chromium, Arsenic, and more.

See a complete list here.

If you are a Berkey owner, you will drastically reduce your family's exposure to heavy metals.

What Does This Have to Do with Traveling?

One of the great benefits of a Berkey water filter is its portability.

Berkey systems are easy to store and move and can be taken anywhere.

We've taken our Travel Berkey on several trips and we're always so glad to have it. We are able to drink great-tasting Berkey water wherever we go!

In a few weeks, we're planning another family trip to the beach and our Berkey will be coming with us.

We'll save money on bottled water and we'll be less likely to dehydrate during our trip.

But more importantly, we won't have to worry about heavy metals contamination. We can enjoy clean water without wondering what our kids are drinking in the tap water.

Even if you're traveling by plane and don't feel comfortable packing your Berkey system in your checked luggage, there's still an option.

The Sport Berkey is a hand-held filtered bottle that can easily be transported. No matter where you go, you'll have clean water!

Avoiding Heavy Metals in Tap Water is Easy

Now that you know how important it is to avoid heavy metals, do you see why it's pertinent to consider this topic when you're planning a trip?

While it's important to consider, the solution is easy.

You don't need to check the water contamination of every area you're visiting.

All you need is a quality Berkey water filter to know that no matter what water you're drinking, it will come through the Berkey clean and healthy.

It's easy to have peace of mind when it comes to traveling with a Berkey. Happy travels to you and your family!

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