Aging Water Infrastructure Makes Countertop Water Filters Necessary

An aging water infrastructure across the United States has become a real concern.
It has been confirmed that every two minutes a water main breaks somewhere in the US with 300,000 breaks each year, according to the American Water Works Association.
This causes many more problems than just temporary flooding.
It can cause major contamination which makes countertop water filters more necessary today than ever before.
I can look each and every day at the news online and find multiple articles about a water main break somewhere. I was actually quite surprised.
What else besides contamination and flooding? It causes residents to be without water for a period of time.
I've seen articles of communities going without water for a few days. Isn't that amazing?
Thirty percent of pipes in systems that deliver water to more than 100,000 people are between 40 and 80 years old, according to the EPA.
The average pipe in Washington DC is 77 years old.
To fix the drinking water infrastructure in the U.S., it will cost 250 billion and most cities are saying they are in way too much debt to afford this.
We can afford unnecessary wars and foreign aid, but we can’t afford to provide quality drinking water to our own people. The quality of our drinking water could be jeopardized because of this.
"Anytime you're breaking the seal of the system that brings water into your homes and apartments, you're risking contamination from bacteria and viruses," said Eric Goldstein of the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Okay So What Do We Do About Aging Water Infrastructure?
It’s way past time that we take back control of our own lives and start doing everything we can to provide clean drinking water for our families and the best solution I know of is through the use of countertop water filters.
There are some really great ones out there that fit perfectly in your kitchen and are powerful enough to filter out all pharmaceuticals, fluoride, lead, mercury and all the other nasty things in your normal tap water.
One great feature is that you don’t need electricity or water pressure. I’m not going to wait on 77-year-old pipes to be fixed in my city.
In fact, I didn’t. My family owns a nice Berkey water filter and we hope you decide to research this subject more so you can make an informed decision.
The Berkey is tops when it comes to removing contaminants from the tap water.
I feel confident my family will be safe during any water emergency.
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