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How To Remove Fluoride From Water

By Jeff Wise Published: March 10, 2020 Updated: March 20, 2024

Nowadays, many people are asking how to remove fluoride from water.

More and more people are researching and learning the harmful history of fluoride. Usually, the question comes up, "Why are we drinking this?"

We're told that fluoride is healthy for us. It will lower our risk of cavities and there are no harmful side effects.

That's just not true, though.

How To Remove Fluoride From Water

Is Fluoride Toxic?

The reason we need to know how to remove fluoride from water is because it is a known toxin that is proven to damage human health.

Want to know what happens when you drink fluoride?

Despite what we've been told, fluoride can actually harm teeth.

It has been shown to cause dental fluorosis for one. So why are fluoride treatments given at dental visits?

And why do most municipal water sources add fluoride to the drinking water?

It gets worse than that, though.

Fluoride also causes brain damage, lower IQ, non-IQ neurotoxic effects such as fetal brain damage, harmful effects to the pineal gland, disruption of thyroid function, bone damage, kidney damage, bone cancer, reproductive problems, and more.

Before being dumped into our drinking water, fluoride was used as an insecticide and rat poison.

It is a pollutant and a by-product of iron, copper, and aluminum manufacturing.

Did you know fluoride is the only chemical added to drinking water for the purpose of medication?

With all of this information, though, is it actually making us healthier or unhealthier?

See additional fluoride historical documents here.

How To Remove Fluoride from Water - The First Solution

You really have to ask yourself why in the world is this toxic chemical being pushed on us?

If you'd like to remove fluoride from your personal water supply, there are a couple of solutions.

The first solution may take some work, but some cities have been successful.

You can have an ordinance passed in your town effectively banning the dumping of fluoride into your drinking water.

Several cities all over the United States have done this, including Tucson, AZ, Wichita, KS, Portland, OR, and San Jose, CA.

Public outcry and hard work ended their fluoridation mandate. Good for them!

Not only will they have this toxic chemical out of their H2O, but the towns save lots of money and labor that is put into placing the toxic chemical into the water supply.

Did you know that 99 percent of Western Europe has ended this practice too?

If you'd like to try this route, it's entirely possible to improve the water in your community.

The Second Solution to Removing Fluoride from Water

Some would rather not put up the fight, but would still like the option of fluoride-free water.

For this solution, we recommend a Berkey water filtration system.

My family and a multitude of others are using special fluoride filters that remove this nasty chemical up to 95 percent when there is less than 1 ppm of the fluoride ion and 99.75% when there is less than 50 ppb.

These special fluoride filters attach to the Berkey water filter, which is also capable of removing more than 200 other contaminants from tap water and other water sources.

We love our filters and it is the best way we know how to remove fluoride from water besides getting the city council to vote it out.

A Real-Life Conversation about Fluoride

Recently, I had the pleasure of answering a few questions for a Berkey customer.

She was curious about the difference between the black Berkey elements and the fluoride filters.

I explained that the two have different functions and that some people don't want fluoride filters because they prefer to have fluoride in their water.

This was her response: "No one should have fluoride in their water! It's horrible!"

She proceeded to tell me that she was a retired dentist.

For years, she knew the truth about fluoride, but, in her business, she was never able to tell the truth.

She had to stay quiet about the harmful truths of fluoride if she wanted to continue in the profession.

Now that she was retired, though, she could finally speak out.

Remove Fluoride from Your Water Supply Now

Fluoride can harm your health in many ways! And you don't need it for healthy teeth.

Even if you believe fluoride is beneficial, there are many better ways to ensure you have healthy teeth. Fluoride is not the answer!

The easiest way to stop drinking fluoride is to buy water filters that remove it. A Berkey system can do that.

You can stop drinking fluoride now with Berkey's fluoride filters.

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